Hey guys, i’ve been posting a bunch of stuff on this sub recently cause i’m trying to decide between a few Macbook pros. I first was trying to decide between getting the base M3 and the m2 air, but most people recommended getting the pros over the air. so now i’m trying to figure out if I should get a new M3 base or a refurbished M2 pro. 99% of people recommended for me to get the M2 pro as it’s much faster and a better computer overall (which i agree with). But now i’m really trying to be realistic with myself and ask “am i really going to notice the difference on a day to day basis?”. I’m not a creator or any of that stuff, i don’t use photoshop, lightroom, or any of the demanding apps that the mac pros can handle over the air. I would be using this mac for browsing the web, some productivity like MS office and possibly some other apps that both the M3 and the M2 pro could handle without a doubt. I’m just debating if i should get a fancy new machine and – i guess – get some more years out of it and more updates, or if i really need the extra power out of the M2 Pro for everyday use. Darn if only apple didn’t make deciding so difficult😅. what do you guys think? (sorry i know this is long but hope it made sense)