3 stack with double supports, i play a lot of road doom. And they dont follow up, their ult value is significantly worse then the other teams, and they dont take off angles or push highground. Ill make pretty good space for us to push into whether by getting a nice hook or forcing cooldowns by hooking their tank and bodyblocking/pigpen. Just feels like they get diff’d by their dps who seem to play highground off angles well while our dps funnel. They push in early instead of waiting for everyone. They peek when we are down one or two and feed. Theres games where i have both their picks combined and dps. Also im sick of push maps, flashpoint isnt too bad but push is horrendous. Id love more maps like kings row that are closer spaced or eichenwale that transitions parts of the map
confirmation bias. every time you get a dogshit team it confirms your belief and you ignore the times you get a cracked team or dogshit enemies.
dogshit enemies does not mean good teammates, usually our wins are bc of their dogshit team who i can just farm with doom road until they go mei bastion orisa