1: Release a Circus map skin/weather effect to buy and keep alongside Ringmaster’s release

2: Bring back Techies’ mines. You can make him as bad of a hero as you want, give him a <20% pub winrate, I don’t care. Forego his Suicide Squad Attack entirely if you want just bring back the Old Techies… Please, God, return Old Techies to me… please… i miss him so much…

3: Fix Chen’s “bug” where he can’t preset his binds like other heroes.

Let me explain: With any other hero who micros (be it zoo, illusions or heroclones), there is a consistency to what you can summon. Naga can only summon a max 4 illusions+2 mantas(+2 illusion runes but I’m never mentioning that again), Lycan can only summon max amount of 4 controllable wolves and so on. These are consistent caps and very easy to set up binds for permanently. Even heroes with theoretically infinite summon growth like Terrorblade or Enigma can be set up with -wtf activated in demo hero mode. Not Chen. Chen IS consistent in how many creeps he can control but those creeps aren’t “his”…He doesn’t change the creeps’ variable!!!

Chen ONLY changes a creeps team alliance and puts the creep under his control!

Here’s why this is such an easy fix, and probably something you’re already thinking; what about helm? (or ench? )WELL. What HELM (or ench) does is it selects a creep, changes its team AND labels it as “HelmedCreep1” (or “enchedcreep1”) so your BIND for that creep is bound for a variable NAMED “HelmedCreep1” (or "enchedcreep1)! You can’t do that for Chen! If you try to make specific binds based on Holy Persuasion order then you’re outta luck because you’re not setting “1=Persuaded1, 2=Persuaded2, etc”, you’re SPECIFICALLY setting “1=Mud_Golem” and that is NOT gonna fly in practical games!

Have you TRIED setting binds for Chen in a real-time game of dota? I want you to right now. It’s exhausting! It’s time-consuming! It’s simply not an option.

It’s infuriating because sure you CAN play Chen but that’s only if you’re an Elder Titan that learned how to micro using exclusively the TAB button back in wc3; I started playing in 2014, I was born AFTER TAB-micro got overturned by the infinitely more effective preset-bind-micro. I REFUSE to resort to that method for JUST ONE HERO when every other hero has been solved and primed for modernity (except techies)! I assure you…I PROMISE you that you would see an EXPONENTIAL GROWTH in pub game Chen picks if he was made readily bind-able and therefore playable as opposed to just forcing you to TAB>TAB>TAB.

Now I can see some inquisitive questions arising from this; How would that work? What happens if you Persuade a 5th creep? Which bind does it go to? What if I LIKE binding ALL creeps according to their race? WELL. First of all you scare me and secondly, /I/ would personally have it on a rotating queue where you Holy Persuade 4 times, creeps1-4, then the 5th creep would just be bound to Persuaded1 again. That seems like the easiest system for me BUT there was a TIME when Valve was suggesting adding hero-specific QoL into the game…Remember? The entire reason Morphling has that cool AGI/STR bar in his HUD (and then valve quietly dropped the whole idea)? I don’t see this happening any time soon BUT I think it would be IMPERATIVE for Chen to have something similar. Let the player decide how Chencreeps assort their own binds. Want it sorted via order? great. Like how it is currently and wanna sort it via race? you scare me but sure you can do that! Perhaps even make it like TF2 Spy’s disguise kit; press E once for a little pop-up bind menu and then press Q through R on which control group you want to recruit the creep into. Wouldn’t that just be EXCELLENT for budding micro-players? Wouldn’t that just be LOVELY for the new-player-experience? Think about it!!

4: Make the current Dota map/graphics look as beautiful and as lush and as rich as the old Source1 Dota map/graphics. CS2 looks amazing I don’t see why we need to ROT in the current washed out undetailed early-source2 dota map.

!5: give individual meepos a visual indicator for the player so he/she can tell which is which at a glance!<

Thankyou :)