I’m not sure, but hero with summon who can dive under t2 tower on 7 minute, has diffusal on 8 min and dives under t3 with no trouble on 11 minute, IS NOT cool.
Let’s be honest, this hero needs rework and most people can agree with my opinion - nerf spirit bear to level of medium hero, cause just compare 3 slot 13-level bear and 5 slot 22-level offlaner. Pretty different, yeah?
And his summoning skill, probably best idea for making it balanced - make it cooldown-on-death, so it can’t be resummoned just same second as he died, cause that’s the most cancer thing i ever seen
Typical 2k player who just lost a game to a smurf and now cry on the internet how broken stuff is. You have no clue.
LD is good, but not over tuned. Bear can be very vulnerable early, and then later and hero that has blink orchid and a friend can deal with Druid. (Yes I know shard, but still is not hard with a good disable)