I can’t help myself to think that nowadays, products UX/UI level is so high, that even for B2B products, people have expectations.

I would certainly not use a product that looks and feels crappy even if it solves my needs.

I could possibly don’t see how it solves my needs if it does it in a crappy way too.

What are your thoughts?

  • AshiqhkhanB
    10 months ago

    For most of the use cases, future is API economy with AI. So if we push B2C solutions to where customers are already like X, Insta, FB, WA. We should service customers where it adds more value. My 2 cents, maybe it doesn’t apply to all. It has to be way apple changed how we used Telephone in 1942.

    Having said, what it WA, X goes bankrupt in 5-10 years like Nokia, as blockchain, VR world is next Gen future.