I’ve been playing dota 2 for about a year and a bit, and am trying to get advice how to get better. I have 250+ games played at about 40% win rate. I have only played about 20 diff heroes, and my faves are enchantress, ogre, DP, Elder, and necro. I want to try ranked but not sure I’m ready. Should I practice more in unranked games, or just play ranked and learn from the tougher competition?
Any feedback welcome
Play turbo mode and try different items and builds to improve your skills.
My winrate is shit but I’m still decent at the game (divine 3) I dont play ranked and mostly run turbo games. A good way to improve is to always think what could you have done to improve, when you lose. And even when you win. Think about items to counter and how you coulda farmed better. Positioning is a huge part of the game. Also map awareness. If 3/5 of the enemies are out of vision or lane. Be careful. Don’t rely on teammates to call missing or help.
Basically never think about what your team could have done, you can’t control that. Think about what YOU could have done better.