I’m sure we all have that player, maybe more than one that we just dislike or hate for nothing worth hating them for lol. For example, I can’t stand John McGinn. I just dislike his face and his cube-like body and that dumb goal celebration he does when he sprints like a child running to the ice cream machine and does that dumb thing with his hands lol.

Again, I shouldn’t hate him for those reasons, but I do. Anyone else have those players you just don’t like for odd reasons?

  • TheConstantCynicB
    10 months ago

    Oh, absolutely. That is why I said he deserves continued criticism for that behaviour. But at a level that holds him accountable to not do it again, not at the all too common level of making it a chain around his neck for the rest of his life which often actually only acts to incentivise the behaviour, as what is the point of trying to be and do better when no matter the effort you’ll always be punished for that one mistake.

    It’s the underlying problem with how we approach bad or dangerous behaviour in general. Sometimes the bad decisions or dangerous actions deserve more permanent consequences, but more often than not the more effective approach is temporary consequences and a focus on intervention and diversion.