Hi guys, for the past 2 weeks i’ve been struggling with my communication score. I started off with >10k when this new system came out and ever since i called one guy in a game ‘u are a toxic cnt’ my behaviour score dropped to 9700 and ever since that game its dropping every 3 days. This new system sucks in my opinion, i have 10439 behaviour score and my communication is 6430 and i don’t know how to bring it back up. Ever since it dropped the first time, i’ve never been toxic or abusive or insulting, every game i play is pma and trying to help people be better instead of calling them names and reporting them. People that are just toxic and dont listen and when they dont like my playstyle they report me for some reason and i struggle keeping my score above 10k. Im 4k average if that helps. If this goes on i wont be able to type in chat. Please does anyone know a solution to this sh1tshow?

  • valveboyB
    10 months ago

    The system, however, lacks an understanding of the context of messages and depends on players to act as both judge and jury. It doesn’t matter if you maintain a positive attitude throughout the game - if you receive reports, especially after losing, they will still be counted against you.