Hello Reddit Community,

I’m a lawyer based in Delhi with a keen interest in technology. Though my expertise lies in law, I’ve been actively exploring the tech world and am now at the cusp of starting a SaaS venture. To bring this idea to fruition, I am reaching out to find collaborators who share a similar passion for technology and innovation.

I am particularly interested in individuals or teams with experience in AI, ML, NLP, and full-stack development. However, more than just technical skills, I’m looking for partners who are problem-solvers, capable of thinking creatively and navigating challenges in the tech landscape.

If you consider yourself adept in these areas, or possess a unique blend of skills that could contribute to a tech startup, I would love to hear from you. Whether you prefer working in-house, remotely, or as an outsourced partner, there’s flexibility to accommodate different working styles.

Let’s explore what we can learn from each other and see how we can collaborate to turn this idea into reality.

Looking forward to connecting with the talented individuals in this community.

Thank you.