She’s super popular, super fun to play, and is seeing play at all skill brackets.

I definitely think she needs some fine tuning – she somehow STILL has a 52/53% winrate in low/mid elo despite REPEATED nerfs patch after patch – but unlike champs like Zeri or K’Sante I don’t think she’s inherently unbalanceable.

She’s had a positive effect on the jungle meta, and obtained a bunch of new OTPs. To me at least, she’s a highlight of 2023, which otherwise had the very forgettable Milio and Naafiri, the latter of which is actively OP at low elo and yet hardly anyone plays her (3% pickrate in silver/gold even with a 54% winrate last patch).

Is she the most positive champion release since Renata?

  • ADeadMansNameB
    1 year ago

    Milio has an above 4% PR which is around AVG for support. And compared to Briar he is not way OP. She is the best soloQ champ to play even on 13.23, which already says how OP she was before her 3 nerfs.

    I want to see Briar with a ~50% WR next year. I doubt she will have a higher than 5% PR except she gets played in pro play.