I’m jungling to learn jungle because I wasn’t quite learning the game as ADC because I just focused on last hitting minions and not dying.
Quickplay wanted me to queue up for support or jungle as well, so I decided to try jungle. I really like Belveth’s kit and it feels fun and her autoattack sounds are pretty sweet, but I’m just not performing well relative to well… anyone.
Wins usually come down to a smurf or the enemy team having a bot/feeder and I’m not getting great feedback on my individual performance.
I do know my player damage is always horrendously low, yet I am at most on-level with the other jungler but with less CS. I find engaging with ganks is pretty tough, as if I go to gank a lane with the enemy pushed too far, it feels like the laner was going to get the kill anyways. I always feel like I move too slow in comparison and by the time I’m within striking distance I’m over-extended and vulnerable.
I am starting to get some more map awareness about their jungler and figuring they’ve probably taken my camp, so instead of checking on my camp I go take theirs to keep my efficiency up. I tend to be around top lane as bot feels way risky to invade due to ranged characters chewing me up before I can get to them.
TL:DR I’m bad but keep getting carried and don’t feel like I’m getting good enough learning feedback.