I understand that the “observable” universe is entirely based on where you are located. Is there a method of determining where you are currently located without being relative to the observer? Everything is currently expanding away from each other, meaning nothing is ever in the “same spot” for very long. How do you know where you actually are in the universe?

Relevant lecture: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6kwcokUFaqo

  • florinandreiB
    10 months ago

    Is there a method of determining where you are currently located without being relative to the observer?

    No, and that’s by definition.

    For a long time, space was considered absolute. That’s required for your question to be answered. It’s as if space itself could be used as a reference somehow. Newton formalized that concept, and it was assumed to be true after him.

    However, once Einstein came up with relativity, we learned that space is not absolute, and it cannot be absolute. We live in a relative space.

    Space itself cannot be used as a reference. You cannot take a marker and draw an X on it. To define your position, you must use another object as a reference, another thing, always. Things can be rocks, planets, stars, etc, and you can use them as reference frames. Space is not a thing, so you cannot do that.

    Same for speed:

    You can never talk about your “speed through space”. You can only talk about your speed relative to some frame of reference, or some object. You must pick some object as a reference (a rock, a star), and then you can define your speed relative to that object. All frames of reference are the same, there is no privileged frame out there. You can play “favorite sports teams” with them, but that is literally all you can do.

    Sometimes the CMB (cosmic microwave background) is popular with laypeople on social media, and with pop-sci videos on youtube, as a kind of “special” reference frame, but that is simply their favorite sports team. It’s no more absolute as a frame than the pencil on my table. It might be more convenient for some measures, but that is literally all.

    A strong belief that the CMB is somehow “privileged” indicates a latent belief in “absolute space”, which is incorrect.

    How do you know where you actually are in the universe?

    No such thing. It’s simply a nonsense concept once you learn about relativity.