In this day and age, why is self-expression in photography important?

Where does a project based entirely upon the photographers experience or a concept based entirely upon seeking an emotional response fit into the industry today? What goals might the photographer of such a project have?

Just wondering what people think so if you have any thoughts please share them! Thanks :)

  • Tasty_Comfortable_77B
    10 months ago

    Of the many combinations of words possible in the English language, I think “self-expression” must be the one that causes me to roll my eyes the most. It has absolutely no meaning at all, it’s pretentious, and it’s used as a cover for bad photography.

    “This photo is exposed incorrectly, the horizon line is clearly slanted, the colour’s off, and it’s not even close to sharp”

    “I don’t care. That photo is me Expressing Myself”

    “What do you mean by that exactly?”

    “Just that. I’m Expressing Myself”

    “Yeah, but how to you Express Yourself in a garbage picture?”

    “Don’t ask me questions, just let me Express Myself!”

    • elviajedelvientoB
      10 months ago

      It’s not because some people describe their lack of skill as self-expression, that the concept in itself is bullshit, though. As we say in my mother language, don’t throw away the baby with the dirty bath water. :p