I have a plot etc for my upcoming fantasy book (which I won’t share yet) but want to hear some opinions from you.

I’m curious to know what you appreciate and value in this type of genre? What do you want to see (or not) in these books?


Character development? World building? New innovations? Any specific monster? Any country? LGBTQIA+? What sexuality? A lot of lovey dovey? More platonic? Strong bonds? Complex characters? Powerful antagonist? Failures? Imperfection? Devil or not? Mental illness? Child, teen, adult? Flashbacks? Long or short time span? Lots of dialogue? Etc etc

  • khrysloB
    10 months ago

    First of all, for me it’s about world building. If the world is interesting and well thought out, I can turn a blind eye to a lot of things.

    On the other hand, my personal pet peeve is the abundance of unusual names. I appreciate when there are no Peters and Marys in fantasy, but if a book has 57 characters with names I can’t read, let alone remember, it’s going to be very hard for me to keep up.