Hey guys, I dont play top apart from the odd aatrox game but I have a question for you guys. Are you sure you are happy with the upcoming map changes in S14? Imo it basically makes top an even more punishing role. Let me explain:
Top is by far the most matchup reliant role, so the lack of jungle presence can make bad matchups feel even worse with no chance of ever punishing enemy laner.
While the number of river ganks might drop, the amount of tower dives wont really change? Again, making a bad situation in top even worse.
With the removal of rift before 14mins, you can no longer get a juicy sum of cash from your jungler dropping rift top. (Perhaps this will be offset by grubs, but i doubt it as if anything it will spread the turret platting gold across the team rather than concentrate it on one lane like rift does). This also assumes junglers will be pathing for grubs in an already bot centric meta…
Those are my thoughts, would be interested in top mains current expectations of the map changes and if what I think has any truth to it.
I think laning into a counterpick is still better than having constantly ganged but idk.
Toplane will still remain a counterpick island. Which it ideally ceases to be but nay, Riot aren’t going to do a specific update to all toplane champions
How would you fix that though. Seems naive to think that you could remove counter pickings from the game
Not completely remove, but make the gap smaller by changing kits and most crucial spells like Renekton W (also nerf his Q sustain), Jax E, Fiora Q, etc.
Having counterpicks is fine but not to the point that champion has a 15% winrate difference between his best and worst matchup