Hi All, My father is opening his third business and has asked me to take on the accounting for it (yes, I’m qualified) as he won’t be as hands on in business #3 as he is in #1 and #2.

Since this will be a second source of income for me that I don’t need he asked me to research if there is a way to pay me tax exempt. Ie, if I open a 501-3c or something similar and get paid through that can I set the money aside for my child’s college fund (I’m not interested in setting up a 529 account)

I’m wondering if there’s a separate entity I can establish so I’m not an employee but rather a contractor to be smart with my obligations.

  • Naive_Bookkeeper550OPB
    10 months ago

    This is the path I’m thinking makes the most sense for our situation. But I also don’t want to be personally responsible for double the tax if I go 1099 vs being W2. I won’t have much in the way of deductions as a 1099. Some mileage as I don’t intend to work out of my home

    I’ve started going down the path of creating my own S Corp and he can just pay me as he would his attorney but I think my tax liability would be even higher.

    We’re not talking huge dollars here (maybe $10-$20k a year) but my primary source of income is in the 24% income tax bracket so really just trying to limit exposure there