Hi all,

I only really play league with my friends nowadays- like once a month. But I want to play more now. I used to play jungle mainly when I played with them, so I never really learned how to lane. However, Jungle nowadays is so complicated and honestly it’s boring. I used to think, “ok let me practice in solo queue with some supportive jg champs and then when I play with my friends, I won’t suck and everybody will have fun.” But playing jg in solo queue is akin to punching yourself in the face, so I’m not doing that.

But I really like fighting games, so I was wondering if there were any solo laner champs that make it feel like you’re playing a fighting game. Maybe someone with like cool combos and make it feel like you’re kicking someone’s ass the whole time.

Like, I only really care about winning lane and that being my contribution to winning the game overall. Of course I’ll roam and teamfight but I wanna just focus on learning to win lane for now. That seems like most fun and repeatable activity for me in terms of still having fun playing this game. Like if I lose, I won’t really care if I won lane that game, so I don’t see myself getting tilted over my teammates’ actions.

I don’t care how complciated or mechanics-oriented the champ is, I’m willing to learn any one champion. I just want to have fun right now, I’m not looking to climb elo like crazy, but if I do, that’s just a fun side-effect. I just to kick someone’s ass in lane and ruin their day, that’s all.

  • peanutisB
    10 months ago

    maybe you could give gwen a try? not sure if it is the style you are looking for but I do enjoy playing 1v1s as gwen in side lanes. bonus point is that if the game goes late gwen’s teamfighting is actually decent, there is potential for you to duel multiple enemies alone

  • MrKrul109B
    10 months ago

    play yasuo if you hate your life play riven if you hate everyone else litterally play anything else and your good other than these two but if you want rank 1 only riven mains in all regions have gotten it aside from tfblade who’s a jax main also Chinese super sever a riven main holds rank 1

  • LilTempoB
    10 months ago

    Aatrox,Riven,Fiora,Sett,K’sante,Irelia, and Garen