I’ve been a gamer for a long time, since the early 2000s. I’ve played and owned hundreds and hundreds of games and finished a majority of them. Many have held my attention long enough to replay many times, do side content, etc. I was also a kid up to college age during most of this time. Now in my late 20s, I’m lucky to just be able to finish a few relevant releases every year. But I find everywhere on the internet people talking about platinuming games. This is something I’d never been interested. Maybe finishing everything to get content, but never just for the sake of it. Do that many people really do this? And how old are the people that do? I cannot imagine balancing that much time playing games with school, work, or a family. It doesn’t even seem appealing to me. Explain?

  • BlackGoldMineB
    10 months ago

    I like getting my money’s worth on a game and the full experience. I like that it makes me explore more in a game I really like. Of course it depends on the game because most of them can be ridiculous with the trophy requirements.

    It’s just another hobby that some folks enjoy. It’s not for everyone. You can definitely work, go to school, etc. abd still have time to plat a game lmao. There’s no time limit to it. Some games took me months to plat because I took breaks.

  • BlackGoldMineB
    10 months ago

    I like getting my money’s worth on a game and the full experience. I like that it makes me explore more in a game I really like. Of course it depends on the game because most of them can be ridiculous with the trophy requirements.

    It’s just another hobby that some folks enjoy. It’s not for everyone. You can definitely work, go to school, etc. and still have time to plat a game lmao. There’s no time limit to it. Some games took me months to plat because I took breaks.

  • Apellio7B
    10 months ago

    Less than 1% of players do.

    It’s a niche thing.

  • NoMoreGoldPlzB
    10 months ago

    It’s a case to case scenario for each individual game.

    And some games are 100+ hours long, some can be beaten in less than an hour or something.

    On top of that, beating or completing a game often ‘forces’ you to find something else to play.
    Might as well go all the way and enjoy the grind or a new game plus while you’re at it.