I’m looking to simplifying my setup, while not running another machine or spend a ton of time troubleshooting.

I have a server with a 11th Gen i5-11600K and 32GB of ram, that I’ve been using primarily as a Plex server and Nextcloud with related software, and some regularly used batch and python scripts- all on Windows 10. I organize TV shows on a 10tb drive (ended shows) and a 14tb drive (ongoing shows), because my setup requires that only one disk is specified as the destination for any ongoing content. I’d like to keep a Windows instance for all that stuff, but I know that it’s not wise to setup Unraid as a vm with Windows as the host.

I just got a new 14tb drive as the two current ones are almost full, though this JBOD style is becoming a hassle anytime I want to add a drive because I don’t want a single show to be stored on more than one drive. I’ve looked at RAID options but none are great for easily expanding storage and Windows storage spaces sounds unreliable.

My plan is to install proxmox as the main host for the machine, and install a Windows vm and Unraid vm. I’ve seen other reddit posts of people doing that successfully, but I’m not looking forward to figuring out how to pass over the storage controller or if Windows can still use the i5’s Quicksync. Does this sound reasonable?