TLDR: Wanna go pro in league, but am not good at the game. Please help!

Hi. I’m a silver player (I’m working on it) who wants to get better and go pro. My plan isn’t to become a streamer or find some other career in League, I want to play on a pro team.

Currently, I am not great at the game. I think I’m ok with my mechanics, but my macro is lacking. Throughout the past year, I autopiloted most of my games, but now I’m ready to improve.

I’ve started watching my replays to observe my faults, but I still find myself sometimes making dumb mistakes early on: not capitalizing on opportunities (eg: roams) and being confused as the game transitions to the mid game. I also tend to throw by getting caught and dying late game because I position poorly.

The two roles I’m torn between right now are mid and jungle. I like jungle, but LS said it’s not good for learning the game because it skips a lot of aspects other roles have to deal with. I also like mid, but I don’t like being auto-filled 50% of the time, and sometimes jungle is more interesting to me.

I’m also considering maybe maining ADC. I mained the role for a while and I climbed from Iron 1 to Silver 4 with it.

I appreciate any and all advice.

My is Qepowi13 on NA.

  • itaicoolB
    10 months ago

    You have 33 games this whole season I don’t think you have enough dedication to be a pro player, you understand it would require you to dedicate your entire day to only playing?

    And also pretty much every pro player had an insane talent at the game from the start hitting diamond on their first season and getting challenger at a super young age, just looking through alot of pros history and many of them became challenger at the age of 13,14,15 etc.