I’ve kept track of this so look at this(all averages are rounded down)

Games played per day: 10 Average daily DC’s: 4(looking at dcs as a whole in a game) Top in elims: 4 Trickling teammates per match(all times it happens in a match counts as one event per game): 7(yes seven) Average picks before a teamfight: 1 Everyone who says I’m the common denominator is crazy. I made another account for a fresh slate and got put in diamond and ranked up to masters. I went to my old account and I can’t leave gold. I’m not a no life that can play all day I have a job and other responsibilities. I practice and I’ve watched so many replays being absolutely critical of myself but when I check in to see what my team is doing it’s like their using their feet to play the game. After I calculated all these averages I just uninstalled completely. I’m nowhere good enough to focus and carry every single team fight by myself and I’m not gonna sweat to get there either. It’s not too much to ask to have some semi competent teammates that understand that they’re in a 2v5 situation and can win. But somehow they still lose. I love this game but my god these people made me never want to play this game ever again.