So, last January, I got myself a pair of Moondrop Aria Snow Editions, and they’ve been my main audio gear along with my Sennheiser HD 58X JUBILEE’s. Sound-wise they have been great, until now.

The not-so-good part? After just a year of use, the right IEM seems off. The sound is way softer than the left. I initially thought it was the cable, but testing it with some other IEMs (KZ ZSTs, if that matters) ruled that out. Plugging those into the same cable, both sides sound the same. So, it looks like the right Moondrop IEM might be busted or damaged. Just to be clear, I haven’t dropped them or done anything crazy.

It’s a bit disappointing that a pair of 20 euro IEMs (KZ ZSTs) is outlasting an “expensive” 80 euro pair from a more known brand like Moondrop. Especially since the cheap ones just live in my bag and go through more “abuse” than the Moondrop ones that just live at my desk and get neatly put away into their case every evening.

Any suggestions on fixing this, or are these just headed for the trash? Also, I guess I’ll have to look for a new pair so does anyone have any recommendations for more budget IEMs that are good for gaming and music? I was thinking about getting myself the LINSOUL TANGZU Wan’er or Fanmusic TRUTHEAR x Crinacle Zero.

Just wanted to share this because I don’t think it’s cool, but hey, that’s just my 2c.