There are very few players I can’t think of that can get to the basket and finish as effectively as Zion. What is he doing technique-wise that makes it look so easy? The moves leading up to the finish seem different than other players approach to driving, but I can’t put my finger on it. Some of his finishes are spectacular, especially working through double teams, but most are very basic drives that just involve a single fake to get the defender moving one way, then slash to the hole.

The part I think is unique is that he pivots and jumps at the basket in both the vertically and horizontally direction, doing it very far and fast. I think he using every bit of extension coupled with his vertical. And adding to that, he is always looking for the rebound after his shot or a block, plus he has great touch and offensive IQ positioning his body making it all very unguardable.

  • thesonicvisionB
    10 months ago

    Every NBA player (including Zion) has certain basketball skills that are at such an elite level, very few non-professionals can replicate them.

    But what truly separates NBA players (and increasingly more top players in other professional men’s basketball leagues around the world) are unique physical advantages.

    Have you ever seen a clearly overweight man that is not only great at dancing, but also tremendous at backflips? We all have. For whatever reason (metabolism, a psychological block), they can’t lose the weight, but still have the mental make-up and drive of a bouncy, athletic, gymnast.

    That’s Zion in a nutshell.

    He has a unique combination of strength, speed, mass, hops, balance, endurance, and agility that allows him to play an explosive brand of bully ball that makes other NBA giants feel small.

    Other players with a “unique physicality” include Wilt, Jordan, Barkley, Rodman, Ben Wallace, Shaq, LeBron, Rondo, Griffin, Kawhi, and Giannis.

    It’s not about being tall, or weighing a lot, but being able to throw your weight around or maximize your physical traits.

    If you’ve ever played even street pick-up ball, you’ll know that some dudes have really big hands, or are very strong despite being very skinny, or are short but get every rebound.