I like to read aloud, alone.

I have ADHD and I think it started because it helped me. Because sometimes when I read in my head I’ll think about something totally unrelated and then I have to reread the pages I read. However I asked some friends if they read aloud and they seemed to think that was insane. Now I’m also thinking this is likely insane. But I really enjoy it. Sometimes I even choose to read at home over a coffee shop so that I can read aloud.

Am I the only person who likes to read aloud by themselves?

  • Comprehensive-Fun47B
    10 months ago

    It’s not insane!

    I don’t read aloud to myself, but I don’t consider anyone who does insane. It sounds kind of fun to be honest.

  • khrysloB
    10 months ago

    I used to read my textbooks aloud when I was studying for tests and had a hard time focusing and understanding the material, so I totally get it. I don’t usually do it with fiction because it takes me much longer, but sometimes when I come across a part I particularly like, I read it aloud to savor it, so to speak.

  • ksarlathotepB
    10 months ago

    I only do this when authors write in dialect / accent, to sound the words out to myself. Like just recently I read Marabou Stork Nightmares, and when I come across a line like (graphic example) >!“you keep yir fuckin hoor ay a daughter away fi ma fuckin laddies or ah’ll git ma fuckin shotgun n fuckin well blaw yis aw away”!<, I have to read it out loud to work out the cadence and rhythm and stuff, to make it sound right in my head. Although I imagine if a Scottish person heard me, they’d be absolutely mortified.