I was on the Pat Williams bandwagon for years thinking he was going to be the next Paul George like two way player. He has all the physical tools, but he lacks the mental to be great. What separates role players, stars and superstars is really just the mental side since everyone on the NBA is extremely talented. He has not improved or expanded his game since a rookie, which is disturbing and now wants a big contract. Time to accept it was a bad swing and move on.

  • SolidSilver9686B
    11 months ago

    It’s because his confidence is shot. We have no offensive system and his job is to spread the floor on the perimeter. He misses a couple threes, stops getting the ball, and Billy benches him for the rest of the half. It’s just not a way to develop a raw talent. He needs to be able to work through the growing pains, and this organization doesn’t give him that.

    The best thing for Pat is to know he’s getting fifteen shots a night, whether he makes or misses. He needs opportunity.

    • Temporary-Match9937B
      11 months ago

      But you don’t need to see the ball go in the hole to have a motor. I get what you’re saying, he’ll never catch a rhythm and his confidence will always be shaky with the ball in his hands, if he’s never given some leeway to mess up. But if him going after rebounds or running the floor is predicated on whether he gets shots up or not, then his mental makeup is not that of a star or starter for that fact. Most successful NBA players at least have energy as an attribute, they don’t need to be pushed.

      • SolidSilver9686B
        11 months ago

        Yeah I get what you’re saying as well. He looks asleep out there. I just go back to the play in game against Toronto that he dominated defensively. I know he’s got it in there, something is just off right now. I’m not smart enough to know.