Calc’c elisp functions (imho) all have the prefix calcFunc-. So in order to use a calc function like vlen in an org table lisp formula, one could use calcFunc-vlen. That’s nice.

What bothers me is the lack of “on-line” documentation (i.e. usable with eldoc or completion frameworks).

All calc functions are nicely documented here: , thats good.

It is possible to modify a elisp’s function documentation. e.g. like so:

(put 'calcFunc-vlen 'function-documentation
     "Computes the length of a vector.
The length of a non-vector is considered to be zero.
Note that matrices are just vectors of vectors for the purposes of this command.")

Now calcFunc-vlen would have a nice “on-line” documentation, usable with C-h f, autocompletion and eldoc.

Has anyone already bothered to gather some of those strings from the manual, in a more machine processable form? So I could save some work to create “on-line” documentation of the calc functions?