Just lost a match there and there was a guy spam pinging everything.

There were some early game fights which are pinged so much and safe lane duo were as usual arguing.

Yes there are couple of times after repeated spam I checked team fight and I defo could have tpd earlier and it’s my fault.

But I’d maybe take pings more seriously if people do them less.
The reality is that this just won’t happen and so I beg for anyone to please just use a mic.

Some people take this game so seriously yet they just don’t use a mic to communicate faster and more efficiently.
Yes I get it sometimes you just want to chill or just don’t want to talk in general.

But there are motherfuckers out there learning so many nuances of the game and tiny indiscriminate details of efficiency to ensure they gain a slight edge over the other team to win a game.

When fast effective communication through a microphone could serve them so much better in the long term.
And if you don’t speak the language of your team just be more specific with your pings there’s no excuse.

Rant over

  • reichplatzB
    10 months ago

    No, because I mute the person instantly when i feel that I don’t like them