This is 2023. And the iPhone 15 battery is about 3300 vs the Google Pixel’s 4300. And it’s on Black Friday Sale for 347 dollars. Why in the world is there 1000 more mAh in a midrange phone than a flagship iPhone 15. Idc if they optimize software the battery life of iPhones compared to Android is crap. Why is apple doing this? 3300 mAh in a 800 dollar phone seems crazy to me. Also the Pixel 7a and iPhone 15 are the exact same size, 6.1 inch.

  • @marcelocampigliaB
    17 months ago

    Probably because Apple thinks that having a near 20 hours battery life under normal use is fine.

    • @basmisterOPB
      17 months ago

      20 hours isn’t under normal use. It’s disconnected from all Internet and Wi-Fi and it’s playing video at a specific brightness. Screen on time watching videos or scrolling social media is 4 hours or so

  • @MeekPangolinB
    17 months ago
    1. iPhone 15 is not flagship, the pro models each year are flagships.
    2. There is a difference in device sizes which allows larger or smaller batteries to fit inside with the other components.
    3. Apple manages battery usage better than Android, which is why bigger batteries in Android don’t always mean much when it translates into battery life.
  • @Neptune502B
    07 months ago

    The 15 isn’t a Flagship Phone in Apples Line Up. Its their Midrange Phone.

    The Reason is most likely pretty simple: to get People to buy the more expensive iPhone Variants which have a bigger Battery.

    • @OkOffice7726B
      17 months ago

      Doesn’t the 15 plus have the biggest battery though? Pro models don’t really have higher capacity batteries.

  • @Realistic_Ad_8045B
    07 months ago

    Cuz android needs the extra juice because they run less efficiently in terms of power vs performance

  • @myrxve_B
    07 months ago

    my x lasts me over a day. the battery is currently at 93% capacity. so i dont know where that is bad. i never had issues with the battery on any phone i had.

  • @scaryjam823B
    07 months ago

    Why does it need a bigger better if the battery life is on par with competitors phones? Especially when that number will get you through a day easily.

    This whole “ bigger numbers are better “ garbage you’re spewing is what’s crazy.

    • @basmisterOPB
      07 months ago

      But that isn’t true. I’m trying to justify an iPhone but they make it so hard. The 15 has a playback offline time of up to 20 hours, googles midrange 374 dollar 7a rates at 24 hours of playback offline time

  • @ioncloud9B
    07 months ago

    I’ve had several iPhones and battery life has never been an issue. Even my 13 pro with its 85% battery still easily lasts a day with heavy use.

  • @bubble-gummer-67B
    07 months ago

    Well I get it, the battery life can feel frustrating. I sure hope it’s true, that Apple’s chips are so power-efficient, that the small battery size is justified. But this is usually something you’ll only come to notice when you use the phone for a long time.

    Out of the box, almost every new phone can feel great when it comes to battery life, but what’s the situation after a year, or two years of use?

    I get how you feel about Apple’s pricing, I feel the same. To me SE feels like a midrange, and the SE3 pricing (when it first came out) felt really close to the flagship pricing, at least where I live, compared to the pricing of SE2 when it came out. (TBH anything 600$+ feels like a flagship to me haha xD)

    I never realized that the basic iPhones (like 15) were the “midrange” ones. They have a flagship price in my eyes.

    About the battery thing. I solved this by getting a cheap or midrange Samsung phone with a 5000mh (or something) battery, and I use it as my second phone. The battery of my iPhone SE2 just wasn’t reliable enough, no matter the power-efficient Apple chip in it. So far the Samsung battery feels great after a half a year, but I’ll be curious to see how it fares after a year or two.