Ceedee has been great , cooks started slow but has been heating up and is proving to be a reliable wr2. But who tf is wr3 ik tolbert has been outsnapping gallup recently but its still super unclear whos going to take the role. personally i think tolbert should continue to get most of the reps because hes younger but gallup has had his moments here and there, and then of course jalen brooks who has had limited reps so i guess its not fair to judge him just yet. Who do yall think should have the role?

  • killerkali87B
    10 months ago

    It’s gonna be whoever plays the best on a given game. Gallup has played better since they started cutting his snaps and you can see some potential in Brooks

    Turpin is just a weapon that we are still figuring out. Classify him how you wish he needs to be on the fiels

  • kvaldez10B
    10 months ago

    I think like another commenter said it’s all based on the type of gameplan or playcalling you want to run. If it’s more of a man coverage 50/50 ball type of matchup then Gallup is best for that. If it’s more of a route running to cut up the zone type of game plan then it is Tolbert. If you want to spread the defense out with speed plays then it’s Turpin’s time to shine. It should be all based on the type of defense we are facing. There is no clear cut WR3 so we need to use our 3 guys according to their strengths.

  • leggomyeggo22B
    10 months ago

    i think gallup and tolbert are sharing that slot; on an unrelated note i’ve enjoyed seeing jalen brooks get involved more he’s seems to have some solid talent