Hey guys! Learning Tensorflow lite.

Ive been working on a project that involves image processing and I have successfully dumped a model onto my ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 board. However, while running the program, I get the following errors while allocating tensors:

Didn't find op for builtin opcode 'SHAPE' version '1'. An older version of this builtin might be supported. Are you using an old TFLite binary with a newer model?

Failed to get registration from op code SHAPE

AllocateTensors() failed

On furthur research, I have come to believe its an OP code version mismatch, which I dont know how to change.

Note: Just to test my idea, I compiled another dummy model with only one convolutional layer instead of 4 (which my original model has), and that seems to work without throwing any errors. Only when I use my 4 layer model, it seems to throw this error.

How do I resolve this error? Please help me out