So I am currently plat 2 with a 53% wr and getting consistently ranked games with a large skill disparity in the teams. I’ve had multiple games now where a silver player makes their way into my ranked games. Normally I would assume that they must have some insane wr on their ACC and high mmr, only to find out that all except one instance are sub 50%. I don’t know how this is happening but it makes the games feel so random where my silver player will just get gapped hard and they don’t even know why they are in the game in the first place. (Yes my score in the first example is horrible, I was losing it at this point.)

My unfortunate top malph having to lane against someone an entire tier above him

malph wr

unlucky ryze had to play against emerald 4 mid

he didn’t have a negative wr though

This game is just a mess when you look at rank, silver xerath had to play against me in plat 1

and another negative wr

my stats

  • Sad-Temperature2920B
    1 year ago

    I just queued supp/jng, got given jung as an iron player against a full silver/gold lobby with a duo draven/soraka bot. Obviously I got destroyed, and I stopped playing for the night. Why am I – a player the game KNOWS is iron skill level – being put up against a jungler THREE divisions above me? With a gold & silver duo bot too who destroyed our bronze/iron botlane. I’m actually done, I went back to ranked to get away from the god awful normal matchmaking and find out it’s just as bad.

    I can only assume they’re losing players by the fistful and so are having to reach further to make games.

    • HireMeRiotGamesOPB
      1 year ago

      It doesnt help either party, that poor iron guy got stomped and has no idea why, and the rest of your team played at a handicap, all due to hidden mmr or some queue time algorithm that put them there in the first place.