I woke up in the middle of the night to the idea of decrepifying Juggernaut’s healing ward. Seemed OP. Unfortunately (or maybe not) you cannot decrep healing ward.

You can still use their abilities to create a healing chain that heals more and is easier to maintain than if the heroes were not together.

Key thoughts

  • Healing ward can be far away from jug (1100/1325 vs. 400)
  • Pugna ult heals more than Juggernaut healing ward (at most stages of the game) and Pugna can sustain the healing long/indefinitely
  • Glimmer cape gives magic barrier to negate Pugna ult self damage
  • Tranquil boots for cheap 14 HP regen (possibly multiple, HP regen stacks!)
  • Main takeaway: Pugna lvl 12 can heal juggernaut 210 HP/second for 25 seconds while himself losing only 65 hp (with 4k networth), or no hp (4.8k networth). Add 2725 gold for aether lens.

Healing chain

  • Healing ward at 400 range from pugna
  • Pugna ult Jug from 700 range (925 with aether lens)

Heals more

  • Juggernauts healing ward heals percentage hp: 2/3/4/5% of max hp
  • Pugna’s ult heals 120/210/300 (360 with level 20 talent)
  • Pugna’s ult heals more if jug max hp is below 2400/4200/6000 (7200) (assuming level 4 jug healing ward)

Easier to maintain

  • Pugna can heal from further/healing ward can be far away
    • Juggernaut healing ward has 400 healing radius
    • Pugna ult has 700 range (925 with aether lens)
      • Healing ward at 1325 distance from Juggernaut
  • Pugna dies less quick
    • Juggernaut healing ward dies in 1 attack (3 with level 25 talent)
    • Pugna most likely needs more attacks and is at safer distance
  • Immune to magic/physical damage
    • Juggernaut can spin to negate magic damage
    • Pugna can save Juggernaut from physical burst with decrepify


  • Pugna with tranquil boots > aether lens > glimmer > octarine (> boots of bearing)
    • Tranquil boots give 14 HP regen at low cost. Regen of multiple boots stacks
    • Aether lens to be at safer distance
    • Glimmer gives magic barrier that blocks self damage from ult
    • Octarine (lower cooldown most important on glimmer, but also nether blast)
    • Boots of bearing flat regen not disabled by damage
  • Juggernaut manta (+butterfly/skadi/deso)
    • Items for more tower damage and be less burstable


Pugna has to heal up his ult self damage to sustain long/indefinitely

Pugna ult self damage = enemy damage * (1 - pugna magic resistance).

  • Glimmer unactivated: 50% magic resistance = 80/120/160 self damage/second
  • Adding a cloak (800 gold) would increase magic resistance to 60% and reduce self damage: 64/96/128 self damage/second

Pugna lvl 12 has 1222 HP and 4.3 base HP regen/second.

Tranquil boots: +14 HP regen/second each

Glimmer active blocks 300 self damage every 14 seconds. Assuming indefinitely:

  • 300 / 14 = +21.4 HP / second
  • 300 / 10.5 = +28.6 HP / second (Octarine reduces cooldown to 10.5 seconds)

Juggernaut level 4 healing ward (5%)

  • 1222 * 0.05 = +61.1 HP / second (@1222 HP)
  • 1222 * 0.05 * (25/60) = +25.5 HP / second (@1222 HP considering ward uptime)
  • (1222 + 625) * 0.05 = +92.4 HP / second (+octarine = 1847 HP and considering ward uptime)
  • (1222 + 625) * 0.05 * (25/60) = +38.5 HP / second (octarine and uptime)


  • Base + tranquil + glimmer = +39.7 HP/s
    • gold: 3075
  • Base + tranquil + glimmer + healing ward = +100.8 (65.2) HP/s
    • gold: 3075
  • Base + 2 * tranquil + glimmer + healing ward = +114.8 (79.2) HP/s
    • gold: 4000
  • Base + 2 * tranquil + glimmer + healing ward + octarine = +153.2 (99.4) HP/s
    • gold: 8600

(values between brackets take into account healing ward cooldown)

During 25s of healing ward you can have two glimmer actives (600/25 = 24 HP/s ), so 600/25 + base heal + two tranquils + ward heal = 24 + 4.3 + 28 + 61.1 = 117.4 which is greater or barely less than the self damage (depending on if you have cloak).

Other considerations

  • Probably most effective at quite early stages of the game. Before jug can be bursted or pugna can be jumped/stunned/silenced etc.
  • Self damage mitigation
    • Pipe on another hero
    • Healing on another hero
  • Heal amplification on jug
    • Pugna level 20 talent (+ 20%)
    • Pugna decrepify (+10/15/20/25%)
    • I did not find items that amp
  • Pugna can decrepify Jug while he is spinning
    • With Juggernaut shard, Juggernaut deals damage to tower while spinning
    • Juggernaut spin + decrepify deals no tower damage
  • Nether blast also great tower push ability

Will I stomp or ruin pubs with this?

Disclaimer: thoughts from 3k mmr pleb. Mostly neglected enemies and many other game factors…

  • 9xD4aPHdEebOPB
    1 年前

    All those items

    Its just 3-4k net worth. Its not a big stretch to have that by 15-20 min right?

    Decrepify is not a big part of this strat, so I don’t consider nullifier being a big counter. Jumping Pugna seems like a good thing to do, I agree.