We have completely balanced Dota right now, TOP 3 consist of WEU , EEU and CN. Who are you rooting for and who will be the Champion? All of them have different hyped story!

Team Spirit: The strongest team in the world now and potentially four 2x TIs winner (except Larl).

LGD: China could get their title since TI6 (Wings Gaming). Potentially one 2x TIs winner (y’), and SEA fans last hope (NTS).

GG: The most dominating team in Dota 2 ever, sweeping 3x Major & TI, making miracle run since LB first round and claim the Aegis. Quinn could once again ask us to suck his nuts.

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  • franllemagneB
    11 months ago

    It’s close between GG and TS. Quinn has built chemistry with other GG players and they do run like a well oiled machine now.

    TS is the best team in the world and are just that bit above all the other teams. On a normal day, they should take it all.

    GG needs to come up with something special to beat TS.

    Would be nice to see LGD up there, but the team is still not consistent enough and need to figure themselves out more.