As the title says, if you are unsatified with the current state of the role, which i think most of us are, stop playing it. Its time to stop complaining like we always do and start taking some actions. Constant crying won’t change anything, just stop playing the role, leave Riot no choice rather to change it. If no one is willing to play it and autofill is gonna become a huge problem, they will have to do something about it. Im a master tier adc player and here’s my take about ADC.
ADC feels frustrating to play, in high elo both junglers path to bot, which means every time theres 3-3:20 on a timer there’s a 3v3 on bot that coinflips the whole game, after that your support leaves the laning phase and roams around the map, enemy support does the same, what leads to you and enemy adc just playing safe and farm minions, while mid is playing 3v3 (mid, support, jungle). You can’t really do much in this state, whenever you overextend enemy support and jungler leaves mid and collapse on you, whener you leave the push they collapse on you and dive you. So you are stuck pushing the wave and keeping in the middle. 9/10 games looks like it. Its insanely boring and frustrating to play becuase you are a spectator for the whole early game, and all of us knows that 3/4 games are decided in the early game. If you don’t believe me go spectate any high elo adc games.
Damage creep in the game went to the point that there’s simply no need for constant dps character in 90% of games. Even if there’s need for one, bruisers and bruiser items are doing better job than you anyway. Everything spikes faster than you, deals more damage than you even for 80% of the game. Most Adcs spike at 4 items, tell me in how many games you get to the point that you can gather such an absurd amount of gold. Low, games end when u are at 3. Its not enough for you to become usefull for your team.
Objectives are squishy =no need for dps. I don’t think theres a single game where a team without an ADC wouldn’t be able to do nashor or elder, there’s so much damage in the game that you are irrelevant in taking objectives, sure, with you they do die faster, but the difference is like 7-10 sec, it’s not much, definitely not much enough for it to be a reason to play adc.
Tanks are not op = no need for dps. Even if there’s one, bruisers and bruiser items are doing better job than you anyway
Your biggest advantage which is range is irrelevant with mobility creep and the fact that most mages outrange you anyway, playing a champ that can’t use rapid fire cannon is hard, like really hard, sometimes even impossible with such amount of mobility and range from other characters in the game.
Speaking of range and being useful, let’s talk about mages on bot. If you hate losing lane just because enemy toplaner picked rumble or renekton, then hear me out Toplaners:
Marksmans are balanced around other marksmans, they need to be on the same lane in order for a healthy laning phase. Mages ruin everything, they have way better push, way better range, way better poke, reliable cc and escape tools. Mages on bot also unlock draft possibilities, if there’s an APC on bot, it opens so much options for other lanes that wants to play Ad champs. Mages on bot also make Tabi or whatever the new shoes are called way less op and opressive. That again unlocks bigger draft potential. The game no joke looks like is designe to favor Mages on bot rather than Adcs.
When it comes to new season changes, they are not good, whether you think adc is broken or not, whether you play it or not, the new changes or more like a lack of them is not “fun” i guess? Everyone got something new, it doesn’t matter if its op, bad, needs adjustments or nerfs it’s really not the point. The point is that you got something new, something fresh to play with, to have fun with. We didn’t. We only got nerfs, and one item that isn’t really for adcs anyway. Torminus or whatever its called works way better on bruisers like yone, irelia, belveth etc. Sure you might say that adcs build items from other classes anyway, like lethality Jhin or Ap Kai’sa or Tank twitch, Bruiser Zeri etc. but i don’t think thats fine or a good game design. Do you? Adc is a unique class, They need separate items oriented around on-hit or crit to properly balance them out to avoid abominations like ones listed above (lethality Jhin or Ap Kai’sa or Tank twitch, Bruiser Zeri). We really don’t ask for much, just make crit viable again.
I am really fine with being useless in early game,
I am really fine having to lane with a random monkey who is more likely to int my lane than to actually help (support).
I am really fine with being one shotted by everything, that’s the whole beauty of the role, you need to play it perfect
I am really not fine with how boring and frustrating it is, pls stop queuing as adc
Eh I mean this is already the case. This top carry role is somehow bottom 2 in popularity.