Hello guys, I’ve recently come back to Dota after not playing for 4 years. I’m a low level crusader and I feel I kind of understand the meta for my rank, however what I’m struggling with is extremely poor teammates and this stupid communication score stuff where you can’t communicate at all.

Years ago when I last played, agi heroes were by far the best and you could easily solo carry pretty much every game. However, I win my lanes, farm well and even have good stats in terms of KDA, yet I feel it’s impossible to win a game unless your team runs about as 5 from 20minutes onwards. Does someone have any ideas about how I can improve gameplay as a safe planer to solo carry?

  • TTVControlWarriorB
    1 year ago

    Games changed it’s harder to solo carry you can’t high ground easily anymore . You need to play around farming & pushing lanes until your team ready to group . Don’t solo force something you know is a bad play . Remember in your rank enemy team is terrible too