Title says it all. Why spend so much effort finetuning and serving models locally when any closed-source model will do the same for cheaper in the long run. Is it a philosophical argument? (As in freedom vs free beer) Or are there practical cases where a local model does better.

Where I’m coming from is the requirement of a copilot, primarily for code but maybe for automating personal tasks as well, and wondering whether to put down the $20/mo for GPT4 or roll out my own personal assistant and run it locally (have an M2 max, compute wouldn’t be a huge issue)

  • Monkey_1505B
    10 months ago

    Why do people brew their own beer, or grow their own weed?

    It’s because they want to be more connected to the process, in control of it, and cut out the middleman. Also, local models probably won’t destroy civilization.