So, this is the most expensive thing I ever put up for sale. Currently debating on recording it works for the ad then factory reset it or wait and do it after they see it. My main concern is payment. Normally I take cash but I don’t think folks will be comfortable doing that with that much money.

With Paypal or Venmo, can they lie and get refunded after I hand them the device? I’ve only used the service with friends.

  • GilBatesHatesApplesB
    10 months ago

    Apparently you got an F in reading comprehension. That’s not what I said. I even specifically said in my post “I’m not saying that doesn’t happen.” You are talking about an extremely rare worst case scenario as if it’s a common occurrence and it’s not. I’ve been buying and selling on ebay since 2000 and have done well over 1,000 transactions in both directions, and the scenario you describe has literally never happened to me, for any dollar amount. You’re just fear mongering.