So I pay 2.5k for a new tv, I set it up. And in my fcking home panel of my tv, ads start to show up?? What the actual fck. This is the last time I buy a Samsung tv

  • HarryisamazingB
    10 months ago

    Unfortunately I think its becoming the norm for “smart” devices to have adds and bloatware. Honestly, on my next TV adventure I’m either getting a non-smart tv or never connecting it to the internet and just using a mini PC to view content. This topic makes me inner Louis Rossmann come out lol (he even covered this topic too)

  • diabeartesB
    10 months ago

    Do you have a premium Google account? If not that’s probably why you’re seeing ads, although you don’t say what kind of ads they are.

  • StayedWalnutB
    10 months ago

    My samsung TV got an update that made it start playing some samsung TV stream every time I turn it on and it slows the TV to a crawl while I try to navigate to what I want to watch. Terrible update. Before it would be on the main menu but with whatever streaming app I was using last behind the menu and didn’t lag to death.

    My Vizio soundbar likewise also got an obnoxious update. It went from being a soundbar that just plays what i clicked on my TV to something that pushes obnoxious ‘stream this with Vizio’ push messages to the corresponding app. I blocked it from sending notifications but it’s annoying…

    You are a soundbar, I want no input from you on what I want to watch. You are a TV, I want you to display what I click and not force auto play episodes of Medium from the 1990s.