Hey everyone. I was asking myself why i was playing toplane recently and it actually made me think that it would be great to have everyone answer to the question “what made you choose your role?”. So feel free to express yourself !
Used to be an ADC main, but I always got filled to support every other game and hated it. Instead of constantly begging to swap roles, I decided to learn the support role to be flexible and understand botlane better. The more I played support, the more I started to prefer it. It’s a lot less stress inducing since you’re constantly the target, and you can potentially offer more to the team with vision control, cc, and sheild/heals. Eventually, support became my primary role, with ADC being my secondary.
I fill, Ill play anywhere.
But I main Support. Im gay.
Gays playing Sup is pretty damn common and true lmao
Used to be me as well before I realized all the sup champs get so boring so fast(except nami and blitz I still enjoy those two) compared to some psycho mid and toplaners
Choose adc after trying every role and asc being my worst role… the reason why i choose adc is Ruler in 2016 finals game 3 ezreal min 28 or smth the turnaround at baron
Support because it really makes me feel like I have options - I can build them widely differently depending on my /enemy team, and plus I kinda have the freedom to roam and help other Allies before we all go into team fighting.
Cause I don’t like supp/jungle champions at all I don’t like mid lane cause i get filled way too often and it pisses me off Top lane have fun champions but i don’t like being on an island, 1v1 are fun but the most fun in leaugue to me is teamfight. So i picked adc
I main support. When I started I played more midlane but seeing pros having to perfectly cs then go take a camp here or there was confusing to me, and I felt like a failure if I didn’t maintain at least 10cs/m. I switched to adc but I feel like my fingers hurt after one game from kiting, and I don’t know when to properly sideline for farm or group for team fights / objectives. So I’ve been supporting like 8 years now, don’t need to worry about farm or side waves and my hands don’t hurt
first I started as support to learn and to chill, then I started playing jungle to kill stupid things cause players are smart, after that I moved on to play as mid to be on my personal planet and don’t care of everything, then adc cause I liked being mid
I always liked mages in videogames, so mid is the lane
0ganks 0 objectif , 1vs2 mid all the time , that tilted me alot so i thought i’ll main the role myself , if you can’t drive car let me drive!
old skool voyboy made me the toplaner i currently am after 10 year of league of legends…His unique picks and playstyle and mostly the vibes he was giving of. Good old days
I can’t stand midlaner that perma flip the game cuz they pick alkali or yone and think they’re gods now. Also Mid laner that don’t help their jungler. So I play a reliable mid that actually helps the jungler every time I can + doesn’t die for a random unwinnable fight.
So I jungle. I can’t stand bad jungler. It tilts me when I see a jungler ignoring objectives and doing useless shit instead. So I jungle.
Basically I play the roles other people suck the most IMO and screw up too often.
a teammate by flaming me
Riot changed my favourite champs from midlane to jungle or from good to unplayable.
I’m a bitch and can’t preform well under pressure so I tend to play more supportive rolls. Like my aim would become super shit back in my CoD days whenever I got even close to getting a nuke, the fact that I made it a few times at all is bordering on divine intervention.
But because I still like having my moments and having proactive impact on the game I became a Bard onetrick
Jungle because i like strategizing