Lately i’ve climbed massivelly on my main account, after 4 years of “playing” league and being hardstuck silver 1/gold 4 and barely getting to gold, i climbed from silver 3 to plat 2 in 100 games, or around that much.

The thing is i have another account in Gold 4, and it’s mindboggling how good people are in gold elo. Rotations, coordination, mechanics. Its astonishing, i’d say it’s like diamond elo a few years back

Either that or they’re eloboosters (a shit ton of them)

So if you’re silver or gold, don’t worry, the state the game is now is unplayable, you’re probably a few ranks higher than what the game lies you with

  • Exfil_lolOPB
    1 year ago

    Could you explain yourself? Im helping others, if you’re just gonna act like an extra chromosome’d person go somewhere else