Valve and Dota2 dev team EXPLAIN

match id: 7459712635
tell me who deserves low priority after this game. I want explanation from dota2 dev team.

it does NOT consider gameplay at all. it only takes reports in account it never checks who play how

how is it possible for this slark to not get banned from dota? or atleast low priority? why its not happening? why gyro gets low priority after this game? why? explain to me? how is that fair? 6/9 score as support in a hard game is worse than 0/10/2 accbuyer carry? 0/7 ogre pos3 is better than 6/9 gyro pos4? how comes? explain to me im so pissed with this braindead system it hasn’t been fixed for years. STOP RUINING MY GAMES GABEN this sh*t is broken since 2017 never got a single improvement it only gets worse. literally never considers gameplay only considers reports by players who stack together against one teammate and punish him. even tho they play much wose they are 4 and he is alone. explain to me how is that fair.
why is this slark not getting banned for accountbuying? or atleast banned from ranked and sent to low prio? why is gyro who is trying his best and actually doing something in this game going in low priority? how is that fair

match id: 7459712635

i want explanation from moderator or dota2 dev. its unbarable at this point.

  • didoWEEOPB
    10 months ago

    even if i don’t chat a single word and i always have good score because i play decently for my rank, i get lower and lower behavior. people just report for the slight inconvinience without a real reason. ive had months of chat button unbound from my keyboard so i never chat and i had No incoming chat. i didnt write a single word and i had around 51% winrate in the long term. climbed 2 stars for these months. my behavior still dropped back then. its a trap of the behavior because low behavior players report you for no reason and you get lower and lower. people with 12k behavior think its a joke because they play with other 12k behavior players who dont report for no reason. so its an unexcapable trap