Even though I bought them on PS5, I really fancy playing them on my new OLED. I know there was problems at launch, but have they been fixed using Proton or anything now?

If so, how is the performance etc now?


  • FranatixB
    10 months ago

    Played through 2 and 3 start to finish. AMA

    3 defiantly works the best. It’s less GPU heavy for some reason. They both will play locked 60fps after a few minor tweaks with Proton GE and a launch command. With mod support; definitely superior system to play on over console.

    2 has a few visual glitches that are Proton related, such as monitors in game are a bit borked. If you set the TDP limit to around 7 it will still play locked 60fps but will be way less power hungry (around 10-12w)