So we’re in champ select and I hover Shaco jungle… I know everyone hates him but he’s the only champ I really enjoy. We have first pick option and my mid bans shaco. So annoying. I desperately want to int in revenge but that’s a total waste of time for me and my innocent teammates.

I figured it out. I locked in Nunu and Q smite EVERY Cannon I can. I’m the most focused I’ve ever been because I still want to win but also ruin this person’s game. Mid game everyone is swapping lanes. I look at when ahri (my mid) is backing then which lane she will likely go into so that I can path that way. When she commits to that lane I snowball over first and Q that fat juicy cannon.

We won the game. It was glorious.

  • AsdowaB
    1 year ago

    Deserved, you probably made better use of cannon gold than that trashcan if a player.