Hey guys, I wanna get something off my chest that’s been bothering me and I hope that some of my fellow brew and beast spammers share their thoughts, or even people who are annoyed by these two heroes. However since they’ve added the fourth stance to brewmaster the hero is unbelievably annoying to play, I don’t think anybody uses it and having to click an extra time to get to the stance you want is a pain in the ass. As for beastmaster…… Jesus Christ this new hawk ability is the most pointless thing in the game, please revert, maybe it’s an intended nerf? If so then whatever but if valve thinks that this is better than the old hawk then they’re smoking some good shit. Anyways that’s my rant.

  • imnessalB
    10 months ago

    I don’t play BM that much but the new hawk feels really strong on laning phase. I don’t like the fact that they took away the vision aspect of the hero and then give him even more damage and lockdown, that just contributes to the overall power creep