Breakfast - 3 scrambled eggs (~18g protein), Oikos greek yogurt (~15g), a cup of chocolate milk (~13g), and a protein bar (~20g)

Lunch - honey garlic chicken and white rice (~50g). Honestly, I am confused as to how much ~0.665 lbs of chicken (which is one chicken breast usually for me) gives me in protein, but I estimated about 50 grams.

Dinner - Barilla Protein+ penne pasta and butter with parmesan cheese. The package says 10g of protein per serving and I typically consume 3.5 servings, so ~35g. I pair this with a cup of chocolate milk usually, so another ~13g added on.

After workout - Premier protein shake (~30g)

Total - 194g of protein

Recommendations would be appreciated. My selection is quite difficult as a college student and it has been difficult for me to gain weight as a skinny person due to my weak appetite. I understand this isn’t the healthiest diet to gain muscle and weight.