Hi all - I bought a used 3070 Ti off ebay, and it arrived yesterday. I’ve spent about 24 hours troubleshooting (minus some sleep), and I’m very experienced with building/troubleshooting, but haven’t been able to solve this issue.

The exact build is this: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/moogleslam/saved/Jzyw3C

Per title, I’m getting a BSOD Video Scheduler Internal Error soon after I launch a game, or sometimes immediately; Diablo II Resurrected, PUBG, etc, or when I play a youtube video, or even when I just launch GPU-Z.

I’ll paste the mini-dump below because my post was removed for having the link previously, but let me know if anyone wants the file itself.

I’ve tried a GTX 770, GTX 980, and RTX 2080 Ti in the same PC, and they all work without issue.

To be further sure it wasn’t a PC issue, I installed the 3070 Ti in another PC, but I get the same issue there, but even faster; sometimes just a few seconds after getting to desktop.

There are SO MANY posts about this across the internet, but there’s no definitive solution. I’ve tried everything they all mention, including the obvious stuff I’d do anyway, like remove old drivers with DDU in safe mode. BIOS is latest version. Clear CMOS. I’ve got all the latest Windows Updates installed (though I’ve also tried rolling back some). I’ve tried underclocking the core/mem on the card, but nothing obviously wrong in Afterburner Diagnostics anyway. Tried changing the PCIE1 Link Speed in BIOS. Probably 100 other things.

Any ideas? Or is it likely just a bad graphics card?

Happy to provide any other info. Thanks