Hello all,

I’ve been using Portainer for roughly 6 months now, and I’m having what I believe to be an odd issue with several of my containers.
I have about 19 containers running, and the vast majority are running smoothly, but three of them are giving me trouble with their ports. I have Heimdall, Wizarr (a Plex invitation agent, relatively new), and Overseer that all run with ports in the 3276x to 3277x range (I think within 5 digits, between 68 and 73). There seems to be a “random” issue that when Portainer restarts, the ports for ONLY these three containers swap around. Like stated above, all my other containers run fine and their ports never change. I’ve noticed it definitely happens if my server has to restart for any reason, but I swear it’s happened at other random times (I just can’t say with any certainty as I haven’t logged it).

Has anyone seen an issue like this before? Is there anyway to lock down the ports to each container after they’ve already been deployed?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.