Hello all maybe someone could offer some advice on this one as I’m beating my head against the wall.

2013 Hyundai Elantra. The problem started off as a no crank no start well sorta…initially when you turned the key it would make a click but not like a dead battery click it was more like it was about to try and crank but would immediately stop. I used a jump box and it started right up.

The following morning it wouldn’t start again…again I hit it with the jump box and it started. Had to do that 3 times throughout the day. That night I put a new battery in it as the one that was in there was over 5 years old already. With the new battery it started right up. The next morning … Had to use the jump box again! What the heck!! But after using the box in the morning it started fine all throughout the day probably 3 or so times without the box.

It worked fine for a couple of days but then one morning it just wouldn’t start with or without the jump box. Now it just cranks but doesn’t start.

-I cleaned the positive and negative battery cable terminals. -I cleaned 3 different ground cables.

  • I pulled the starter and checked it on the old battery and when power is applied it turns on. Additionally, while spinning I (probably idiotic but I didn’t know how else to test) tried retracting the gear to confirm the little internal lever that engages the starter gear wasn’t snapped. Put the starter back in the car.
  • I pulled the crank position sensor which is sending an AC current when I wave a wrench in front of it I pulled the spark plugs which were dark but otherwise pretty unremarkable looking.(not really sure what I was looking for but was hoping something would jump out at me) additionally they smelled like fuel which to me indicated that the injectors were working but I realize that may not necessarily be true.
  • checked all the fuses and swapped the starter relay with another similar relay in case it was acting up. -Ive tried starting the vehicle in park and neutral as well as trying to start while pressing the accelerator pedal a bit.

I’m going crazy trying to figure this thing out and just don’t really know where to turn next. Its my wife’s car so I need to get it fixed for her and we have no money for a shop right now.

Does anyone have any suggestions or see anything obvious I may have overlooked?