I have a company that works with hair treatment. The only way we use to find costumers is through Instagram ads. It’s been working really well but I’m wondering other ways we could find new clients. There are many options:
1- In Brazil is common to give a paper with the ads (I don’t know the name of that in English but you know what I mean). That’s one option.
2- Radio
3- Elevation media (to put the ads on elevator’s TVs in the city we are located)
4- Banners
I’m wondering: anything that I didn’t mention that you think is a good idea? And anyone here had experience trying different methods?
Consider a referral of some kind. Every 5 friends that get hair treatment (over $X) under your name gets you 80% off your hair treatment.
I’m not sure what the standard in brazil is, but in the US radio ads have approximately 1/4k impressions. Tv and billboards are worse.