First clunky mechanic, when you snowball a target, tusk will always auto attack the target after the snowball even if auto attack is turned off. But this fucks up Tusk because after Tusk attacks the target once, he can’t cast walrus punch. He has to wait 1.5 seconds for his attack to come off cooldown before he can cast walrus punch.

This is a ridiculous mechanic that forces Tusk players to have to cancel their own snowball issued attack in order to cast walrus punch.

Second clunky mechanic. When tusk does his aghanim’s combo in this order:

Blink in --> cast snowball on target --> walrus kick target

Because of snowball’s cast backswing, if you cast your combo too quickly and happen to cast walrus kick DURING the cast animation of snowball, your walrus kick WILL NOT BE CASTED until after a 0.5 second delay (the cast backswing of snowball).

You have to PURPOSELY delay the casting of walrus kick (purposely cast it slower than you otherwise would be able to) just to ensure that the command is not given during the cast animation of snowball because if it is, your walrus kick will have a 0.5 second delay (during which time, if the target moves out of walrus kick range, you effectively just fucked up the combo and probably threw the teamfight)